In the 19th chapter from the book of 2 Chronicles, it starts with King Jehoshaphat of Judah returning home safely from battle with King Ahab against Syria. One of his prophets met him and asked why he helped the wicked, why he loved those who hated God. The Lord was angry with him. However, he sought to commit himself to the Lord and even removed much of the pagan idols from the land.
If you'll remember from the previous chapter, Jehoshaphat was tricked into battle with Ahab through evil intentions. But Jehoshaphat saw the error of his ways, cried out to the Lord, and God saved him.
Recently, my son did something rather stupid. It could have ended much more dangerous, but by the grace of God the damage was minor. I am reminded of my own reaction when I confronted him when I read the first three verses to chapter 19. I strongly advised him what he did was wrong, and that it could have ended much worse.
Then we embraced. I forgave him.
In the remainder of chapter 19, the Judah king appointed judges across the land. His advice was simple: do not judge those to please people; judge those to please God. Judge with integrity. Always act with the fear of the Lord. Take all emotions out when rendering judgement. Seek out the Lord for the proper punishment.
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