Sunday, August 25, 2019

Don't ask what the church can do for you

John F. Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

I urge you to have the same mindset toward the church and the Lord.

Ask not what the Lord and the church can do for you, ask what you can do for the Lord and the church.

Although God loves when we ask for His beloved guidance, we do need to have a servant attitude and ask what He wants us to do.

Many people define Christianity based on a certain church leader or church.  Churches are made up of people.  Church leaders are people.  And people have flaws.  We should never worship them.  We should only worship God and His Son Jesus.  If you find a certain leader or church to be a "bit off" before casting a wide net and tossing it all away in pursuit of a less than noble cause, ask God if there is something you can do.  It could be that God is pushing you to do something.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Take time for Scriptures, even in times of crisis

On July 16th, my wife was taken by ambulance to the ER.  This was the second time in less than two months that she rode in an ambulance to the ER.

In 2011, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.  She remains cancer-free to this day, but the remnants of graft vs. host from her stem cell transplant has caused great havoc on her.  This year has been no exception, but has been the most she's undertaken since 2011.

Long story short, she got sepsis and was in the hospital then rehab for almost three weeks.  She is currently at home, but needs a walker to assist with walking.  Oh, and she's been legally blind since late 2011.  Another unfortunately effect of GVH.

A few weeks ago, a lady in our church came up to me and discussed my wife.  This lady also went through leukemia the same time as my wife, but didn't experience many of the complications with GVH.  As she put it, "She has gone through more than anyone else should be allowed to."

Throughout all this, it's easy to get distracted and ignore Scriptures.  Don't.  Now is when they are needed, during times of crisis.  In fact, reading Scriptures are needed all the time, no matter what is happening.  You can't believe (okay, maybe you can) the amount of times I've been feeling down or facing some crisis, whether at home or at work, and have read just the right Scripture at the right time.  That is how God, His Beloved Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit work.  It's amazing how it all works out.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Even a small prayer can bring big results

I've noticed lately that praying is a lot like exercising.  Certainly, you can have big workouts, spending hours and hours in the gym.  But the best results are small improvements, a little here and a little there.

Okay, maybe exercising isn't the best analogy.  But getting in the habit of praying is vitally important.

My wife has spent the past two weeks in the hospital, recovering from sepsis.  Act Fast, all of the medical websites say.  Needless to say, I've been praying for her recovery as well as the care of the nurses, doctors, aides, and other hospital personnel.

Also, before walking into a meeting a work, I find myself praying for strength.  For myself.  Also, when I see someone in need, whether large or small, I say a little prayer for them.

Make praying a habit.  Even a small prayer, from deep in your heart, can make all the difference.