Sunday, August 29, 2021

Comparing man to maggots

In Job, chapter 25, which is extremely short at 6 verses, Bildad told Job that God is indeed powerful and no one is able to count the number of his army of angels.  He then questioned how a mortal man can be innocent, pure, when even the moon and stars cannot hold any glory without God.  He ends by stating that, to God, people are nothing more than maggots and worms.

Job rebukes this in chapter 26.  He asks how he has helped the powerless and weak, where has he received the words of wisdom that he speaks of?  God is everywhere, from across the sky to every cloud and rain.  God created the earth and Heaven, separating them.

The Lord made the heavens and earth powerful and beautiful, all from a mere whisper.  His power is great.  And who is Bildad to question that power?