Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Lord leads Israel to be held captive

In the 17th chapter of 2 Kings, Hoshea is the king of Israel.  Again, like so many others, he did not please the Lord with his actions.

The king of Assyria invaded Israel and held them captive for three years.  They moved the Israelites to various cities, keeping them from the Lord.  Pagan customs and false gods were brought about upon them.  The Israelites soon rejected God and followed these false gods, creating altars and images that displeased the Lord.

Then, the Lord sent lions and killed some of the people of Assyria.  The king then received advice from his servants that the Israelites--mainly, the people of Judah, for the Lord rejected all of the others at this point--were kept away from their God and that the Lord sent the lions.  The king ordered one of the priests from Israel to go to their people, and teach them what God required.

The people of Judah soon worshiped the Lord, but at the same time also served other false gods--all against the laws that the Lord sent to them.

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