In verse 4, it says that the number of our enemies outnumber the hairs on our head. For most, that number is astronomical--Mr. Clean must not have any enemies (insert smiley face emoticon). Imagine that for a moment, the sheer number of enemies. And our enemies try to destroy us with lies.
But if we put our complete trust in the Lord, He will make fools out of our enemies, humiliating them, and their sins will consume them.
In verse 14, it says, "Rescue me from the mud; don't let me sink deeper." Like raging floodwaters, mud can slow us down. Again, it is a feeling of being overwhelmed and the Lord will answer our prayers.
Praise the Lord in Heaven and earth, for all those who love Him will live in safety.
If you ever feel overwhelmed by anything, pray to God. He always listens. He will help you through it all, like a raging flood or a thick mud.
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