Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Wall's Protection

In the book of Nehemiah, chapter 7, the wall and gates surrounding Jerusalem were completed.  Nehemiah appointed gatekeepers, singers, and Levites to their duties, and handed over responsibility of governing the city to his brother Hanani.

Everyone had a responsibility to watch the wall for their enemies, guarding either at sentry posts or in front of their own homes.

The wall was important.  It kept enemies out.  But even a physical wall can only do so much.  That was why the Lord instructed Nehemiah to appoint others to keep watch.

This is just like today.  There is some controversy concerning a certain wall being built along our nation's border.  But even then, we still need others to keep watch, to patrol, to enforce the laws of our lands which are inherently close to the Laws Our Father set upon us.

The rest of the chapter is a genealogical record of the families residing within Jerusalem.  There were even some who tried to come in but did not have any record of being one of the exiled, so therefore they were turned away until they could consult with the Lord.

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