Sunday, September 9, 2018

Naboth's tragedy

In the twenty-first chapter of the book of 1 Kings, we find a man named Naboth living beside Ahab, the king of Samaria.

Naboth had a vineyard that Ahab wanted.  But Naboth refused, telling him that the Lord God forbid him to give up the inheritance of his fathers.

Ahab's wife Jezebel noticed that this disturbed her husband.  So much so that he even refused to eat.  So she told him that, since he was the king, and that he governed the land in which they were on, the vineyard was as good as his.  She plotted with the elders of the city, and Naboth found himself falsely accused of lies and stoned to death.

The Lord God was angry by this.  He condemned Ahab and all of those within the city.  But upon hearing of what had transpired, Ahab cried out to God and repented.

In the end, God spared Ahab.

But not his sons . . .

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