Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A monopoly of wisdom

 Continuing on in the book of Job, we now come to chapter 15.

Eliphaz responded to Job's latest tirade.  He goes on about wisdom and the nature of one who has much of it.  "Would a wise man answer with such empty talk!  You are nothing but a windbag."  He goes on with how he rambled on with empty words, empty chatter.  All of his talk was, well, empty.  No substance.  No evidence of any wisdom.

In verse 8, he asks, "Were you listening at God's secret council?  Do you have a monopoly of wisdom?"

I love that one.  A monopoly of wisdom.

This reminds me so much today about the ramblings of the extreme in today's political climate.  Does any of them have a monopoly of wisdom?  Of course, they think they do.

Let me be the first to tell you: you do not.  Only God does.  Read His Word daily, practice the teachings His Only Son Jesus came to give to us--and died for.

Eliphaz then went on to educate Job on the nature of wise men as well as those who are wicked in their ways.  They cannot escape the darkness that lies in their hearts, and even their riches are empty.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Job's Argument

In the book of Job, chapter twelve through fourteen, Job responded to his friends.  At first, he put them down, asking if they really knew everything that he had gone through, that even robbers are treated better than him.  He mocked his friends, saying things like, "Just ask the animals, and they will teach you."

As we go along, Job truly wanted to argue his case with the Lord, pleading with Him on exactly what he did wrong.

Job even stated that life is short, and that even a tree has more hope for it will always sprout new branches.

Can anyone blame Job for speaking so plainly?

But as a father myself, sometimes things happen for a reason and your children may not be mature enough to understand.  That may be the case here.  Job, although seemingly strong in faith, when the battles became personal, he wanted to know what he did wrong.

The answers of our wrongdoing may not be as simple as this or that.  Continue to put your trust and faith in the Lord.  For my own life, as I near the one-year anniversary of my sweetheart's passing, I could ask God why He chose to take her away from me at such an early age.  But I haven't.  I trust that He did it for a reason, that He needed the love of my life for another purpose in Heaven.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Lessons learned from the past (but don't dwell on it)

Psalm 78 is a lengthy psalm.  It highlights all of the wonderful and glorious things that the Lord had done for His people, from when they were slaves in Egypt to when He gave them David, the shepherd boy who went on to become king.

Many times the people would disobey God, and He would be disappointed in them but gave them what they wanted.  He gave created a wall of water to allow them passage from Egypt to the Promised Land.  He gave them water when Moses struck a rock with his staff.  He even brought down food from Heaven, manna, when they were hungry.

He gave them everything.

And yet, time and time again, the people disobeyed him and complained.

Like the best Father any of us could ask for, He gave us His all--even His only Son Jesus--and we should glorify Him.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Preparing for heart for the Lord

Continuing on in the book of Job, chapter 11, one of Job's friends named Zophar responded to Job's plea.  He went on and on about how God isn't going to answer his questions, and by verse 6 he says, "Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin."

Zophar questioned why Job was even questioning God's will toward him.  Did he really think to prove the Lord's actions?

Then, in verse 13, Zophar told him to prepare his heart and lift his hands up in prayer.  Forget all of your sins and let the glory of God shine on you like the shining sun.  Forget all of your past sins and let them flow off you like water flowing off your body.

Having hope in the Lord will give one courage.  Having courage and faith in the Lord will protect you.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Job's plea

In chapter 10 from the book of Job, Job makes a tearful plea to the Lord.  With the pain he's going through, he feels an absolute disgust with his life.

Then, he pleas with the Lord to not only condemn his life but tell him why He is doing so.  He wants to truly know what he did wrong.

The Lord made him and now He seemed to destroy him.  For what gain?  For what purpose?

If Job is guilty, he wants to know what it is and he will accept it.  But Job wants to know why bother with his birth if only to turn him back to the dust in which he came.

He then ordered his friends to leave him alone as he knew he only had a few days left to live.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Shout out to the Lord

Psalm 77 starts out with one crying out to the Lord, shouting to be more precise, searching for Him as one is in deep trouble.  The troubles are so severe that one has difficulty sleeping.  One dreams of days long gone, pondering why today is not so joyful.

Then, one wondered if the Lord was against him, until they recalled all of the good deeds that God has done.

Like the Lord parting the waters of the Red Sea so that Moses and His people can escape to Israel, He has led the way for His people at all times.

When you find your spirit troubled, sit quietly and put your trust in the Lord.  Let His Holy Spirit fill you, point you in the direction He wants you to go.