The Persian king was a pompous, arrogant man, and loved to put his wealth on display for all. But one thing he didn't do was show off his queen. It took until the end of a 180-day feast, along with a 7-day drunken banquet, for him to command his queen to put on her crown and display herself to his people.
Which, as you know, she refused.
This caused him to be very angry.
The overindulgence of alcohol may have paved the way for Esther to become queen. We do not know much about the king's queen in chapter one, but since she had a separate banquet from the king's, she may not have wanted to be a part of the drunken festivities. She may not have even loved him, and only became the queen for other reasons we do not understand.
Also, when the king was consumed by alcohol, this allowed the Holy Spirit to speak into his heart, to get him to put his queen on display. This started the turn of events that lead to Esther becoming queen, and changing the history of her people forever.
For as far back as I can remember, I have always said that God works in mysterious ways, that there is a reason for the events that happen in our lives. Only when we put our complete faith in the Lord, and listen for His answer, will we understand. For example, I do not know why my wife Melissa had to pass away in January of this year. But there was a reason. I do know this: given the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, it's difficult to imagine her still being alive and suffering like she did. But the Lord's timing on her passing into Heaven was perfect.
Yes, I said it. Perfect.
The ways of our Lord has astonished me and as I examined even her final days and hours, she went into Jesus's arms at the absolute perfect time.
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