Sunday, January 27, 2013


In the 27th chapter of Numbers, God tells Moses to appoint Joshua as his successor.

He also told Moses that once he sees the new land of Israel, Moses will die and Joshua will take over.  Moses will die because when the Israelites rebelled and Moses and Aaron said it was their power to give them water from the stone they struck, Moses sealed his fate.

Moses then gave all of his powers to Joshua, and instructed all of the people of Israel to follow Joshua as they had followed him.

In chapter 31, we see the battle of Midian and the aftermath.  The battle itself was extremely successful.  All of the men in the Midian army was killed.  Afterwards, the remaining posessions were divided amongst the soldiers, the community of Israel, and a portion was set aside for the Lord.  At the beginning of the battle, the Lord told Moses that once the Midians have been destroyed, Moses will die.

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